(see here for a version before I grew up)
Qiqi Yan(pronounced like Chee Chee Yen)
Website: http://www.qiqiyan.com
Email: contact@@qiqiyan.com
I have graduated from Stanford. I just joined Google as a research scientist, in the mountain view campus.
I got my PhD degree from the Computer
Science Department of Stanford University,
advised by Prof. Tim Roughgarden.
Prior to my PhD study, I also got B.S. and M.S. in C.S. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
advised by Prof. Enshao Shen.
- Supply-Limiting Mechanisms
Tim Roughgarden, Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Qiqi Yan. EC'12
- Envy, Truth, and Profit
Jason Hartline, Qiqi Yan. EC'11
- Online Bipartite Matching with Random Arrivals:
An Approach Based on Strongly Factor-Revealing LPs
Mohammad Mahdian, Qiqi Yan. STOC'11
- From Convex Optimization to Randomized
Mechanisms: Toward Optimal Combinatorial Auctions
Shaddin Dughmi, Tim Roughgarden, Qiqi Yan. STOC'11
- Mechanism Design via Correlation Gap
Qiqi Yan. SODA'11.
- Robust Mechanisms for Risk-Averse
Mukund Sundararajan, Qiqi Yan. EC'10.
- Revenue Maximization with a Single
Peerapong Dhangwatnotai, Tim Roughgarden, Qiqi Yan. EC'10.
- On the Price of Truthfulness in Path
Qiqi Yan. WINE'07.
- Classifying Regular Languages by a Split
Qiqi Yan. TCS'07.
- Lower Bounds for Complementation of omega-Automata
via the Full Automata Technique
Qiqi Yan. ICALP'06 (EATCS Best Student ICALP Paper
Award) and LMCS'08.
PhD Thesis:
- Prior-Independence: A New Lens for Mechanism Design
Qiqi Yan. (advised by Tim Roughgarden)
This intends to be a coherent summary of four conference papers above on the subject, with better exposition, more complete proofs, and some more results.
I plan to update this thesis as these conference papers go through the journal process. Feedback and bug reports are more than welcome!
Last Updated: June 6, 2012.
- I was an organizer of Stanford CS Theory Lunch, and a co-organizer of Stanford CS Theory Seminar.
- I was a member of Stanford Table Tennis